Vote for Joe Biden? Are You Effing Nuts?

American Thinker has the following points for not voting for Joe Biden:

  1. A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for a man who believes America was never that good.
  2. A vote for Biden is a vote for energy dependency once again.  The beneficiaries will be Iran, Russia, and Red China.
  3. A vote for Biden is a vote for the end of fracking and the loss of millions of jobs.
  4. A vote for Biden is a vote for continuous lockdowns and the economic collapse of our country.
  5. A vote for Biden is a vote for mob rule instead of law and order.
  6. A vote for Biden is a vote for defunding the police. 
  7. A vote for Biden is a vote for a return to the disastrous Iranian nuclear deal.
  8. A vote for Biden is a vote for moving our American Embassy back from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv.
  9. A vote for Biden is a return to funding the PLO and a return of the P.A. Authority office in New York.
  10. A vote for Biden is a return to appeasing the Mullahs in Iran and aiding Communist dictators throughout the world.
  11. A vote for Biden is a vote against the state of Israel and a vote for the return of the anti-Semitic policies that governed the Obama administration.
  12. A vote for Biden is a vote to stand with the Jew haters in Congress, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, AOC, and Ayanna Pressley.
  13. A vote for Biden is a vote for Chinese hegemony and global dominance.  The Red Chinese are working against the election of President Trump.
  14. A vote for Biden is a vote for Cultural Marxism and continuous Marxist indoctrination in our schools and universities.
  15. A vote for Biden is a vote for the Red Chinese proxies, Antifa and Black Lives Matter, to continue their anarchy on American streets.
  16. A vote for Biden is a vote for the continuation of racial and class warfare stoked by identity politics.
  17. A vote for Biden is a vote for stacking the Supreme Court.
  18. A vote for Biden is a vote for adding two additional states, Puerto Rico and D.C.; thus, forever ensuring a Democrat Congressional majority as in California and ending the two party system.
  19. A vote for Biden is a vote for higher taxes.
  20. A vote for Biden is a vote for the Green New Deal.
  21. A vote for Biden is the end of Capitalism and the free market.
  22. A vote for Biden is a vote for a return to the Paris Climate Accords.
  23. A vote for Biden is a vote for the end of fossil fuel and life as we know it.
  24. A vote for Biden will see an increase in fuel prices, electricity, and the cost of living.
  25. A vote for Biden is a vote for an authoritative state and the expansion of the federal government.
  26. A vote for Biden is a vote for continuous censorship by Big Tech.
  27. A vote for Biden is a vote to erase our First Amendment.
  28. A vote for Biden is a vote to erase our Second Amendment.  He and Kamala Harris have stated their support for gun confiscation.
  29. A vote for Biden is a vote for infanticide where abortions of full term babies will be permissible.
  30. A vote for Biden is a vote to erase the suburbs where the federal government will have control of local zoning.
  31. A vote for Biden is a vote for a man who along with his son Hunter are under investigation by the FBI for money laundering and selling access to his office.
  32. A vote for Biden is a vote for a known plagiarizer and liar.
  33. A vote for Biden is a vote against character.
  34. A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for Socialism and the Socialist policies of Bernie Sanders adopted by the Democrat Party Platform.
  35. A vote for Biden is a vote against our Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and our Bill of Rights.

Earlier this morning, I saw a tweet by Dr. Jill Biden on my Twitter feed (@tomsplaceblog) in which she stated the following:

Integrity is on the ballot.

I had to reply:

Too bad Joe doesn’t have any…

I’ll let you figure out if that was a mic drop moment…