October Update

My apologies for not writing for a while. Work, life, and carpel tunnel seem to be getting in the way…

I had a birthday this past week – 60 – and it’s a bit depressing. Life isn’t what I expected it to be to this point. I never, EVER, thought that the America that I grew up in would be on the precipice of a political cliff.

While we hear that every election is important, this one seems to be like 2016 – a make or break election for the future of the country. We have one candidate that has built the country up for the past four years. We have another candidate that seems to want to destroy this country by not only returning to policies that have failed, but put new policies in place that would assure losses of freedoms for the American people.

For the first time since I have been alive, I have a political sign in my front yard. Yes, it’s a Trump sign. And quite frankly, I’m proud of taking a stand (even if it’s a little one) by making my political position known to my neighbors. It’s also nice to see a lot of other Trump signs around the neighborhood to – running about a 10 to 1 in favor of Trump in my neck of the Michigan woods.

I won’t go into the sordid details of the Bidens or the Democrats. There are others who have much more time and resources to do that, not to mention that the story seems to be updated by the hour. The only comment that I have is that the Democrats have nominated a person that is not able to fill the office from a personal perspective (conflicts of interest with a foreign power) and a health (he doesn’t look or act well, possibly with dementia – see my earlier posts on this last).

I will state that I will be voting in person, rain or shine, snow or sleet. I just do not trust the absentee ballots.

Last, Coronavirus is real, and should be taken seriously, especially by those who have conditions that the virus can turn deadly. However, I’m not going to live in fear of catching it. My eternity is secure. Is yours?